"Fair Pay Now"- The Nurses Strike
A photo story documenting the NHS Nurses second day of Industrial Strike by members of The Royal College of Nursing (RCN). Which took place on the 20th December 2022 in London. From the official picket lines at Guys and St Thomas NHS hospitals to the gathering of the protest outside number 10 Downing street. This was the first statutory ballot on industrial action in nursing across the UK, in the 106 year history of the RCN. The nurses anger has become action with the UK government rejecting a pay rise in line with the current UK inflation. The Nurses are resorting to food banks at work and healthcare and hospitals standards are suffering. In this story I also wanted to capture the ethnic and cultural diversity of the nurses on strike, coming together to support each other in solidarity, highlighting the issues and crisis facing the NHS in these times.

Royal College of Nursing (RCN) members picket line outside The NHS St Thomas's hospital in London, on strike holding a custom made first aid box to highlight fair pay for nursing. Symbolising the protest against the UK government, set against the back drop of the Houses and Parliament and Big Ben which
are institutions of politics in the UK.

The second day of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) members strike, outside The NHS Guy's Hospital and on the official picket line adjacent to London
Bridge station. With the striking Nurses holding up their signs for far pay for nursing.

(RCN) members strike, outside The NHS Guy's Hospital and on the official picket. With the striking Nurses holding up their signs for far pay for nursing and making their voices heard.

(RCN) members industrial strike, outside The NHS Guy's Hospital and on the official picket line. The boy and his mother holding a sign stating "its time to pay nursing staff fairly"

(RCN) members strike, outside The NHS Guy's Hospital and on the official picket line near London Bridge station area. With the striking Nurses and healthcare workers holding up their signs in support of the RCN Nurses strike.

RCN) members strike, outside The NHS St Thomas Hospital and on the official picket line and the striking Nurses and healthcare workers holding up their
signs in support of the RCN Nurses strike.

(RCN) members strike, outside the gates of 10 Downing Street London gathered in protest. With the striking Nurses and healthcare workers holding up
their signs in support and making their voices heard.

The second day of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) members strike, outside the gates of 10 Downing Street London gathered in protest. With a pair of
striking Nurses holding up their sign "A Respectful Pay Rise".

Strikes Nurses outside the gates of 10 Downing Street London. With Nurses gathered in protest. And the former Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn
speaking about his support for the strike and a stop to the private sector profiting from the funding taken away from the NHS.

Second day of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) members strike, outside the gates of 10 Downing Street London gathered in protest. With the striking Nurses and healthcare workers holding up their signs in support. With a Labour Party MP voicing her support for the strike.

(RCN) members strike, outside the gates of 10 Downing Street London gathered in protest. With the striking Nurses and healthcare workers holding up
their signs in support and making their voices heard.